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Is Video Worth My Time?

In a word, Yes. With the ability to quickly connect, reach an audience through a variety of channels and deliver measurable results, video can be a powerful tool.

There is a reason why so many brands utilize commercials. They connect with us in a way that is closest to our everyday life. These short, visual stories can make a connection by placing the product or service in your customer’s life.

In our increasingly mobile world, video can also be served up in many channels and put your product literally in your customer’s hands. With the flexibility to place video in ads, presentations, on-site and in social the ROI potential for a single video doubles and triples with each new placement.

Finally, video can be measured. Many times in impressions and clicks but also in complete and incomplete views, giving you a look into what worked and potentially what didn’t. Whether your focus is on engagement, brand equity, conversion or SEO, video content can help you reach your marketing objectives.

Video marketing is no longer an emerging trend. Executed well, video can define your brand, explain your mission, and extend your reach. With its unique ability to make an engaging human connection, video has become a powerful ally in communicating your story to the world.

Source: www.insivia.com

How to Make Your Video Content Stronger

Using video is only the first step to improving your marketing content. In order to achieve your KPIs, it’s equally important to ensure your content is strong. Here are three things to keep in mind when developing video content for your organization.

  1. Your brand is the hero Humor, testimonial, emotional appeal, human connection — there are countless ways to bring your product to life through video. Regardless of your approach, ensure that your product or brand is the star. Whether you showcase the logo visually, or mention the brand name verbally, make sure viewers are clearly aware of the product they’re engaging with.
  2. Longer is not necessarily better Your viewers are busy and unlikely to engage for much longer than a minute — especially on a mobile device. While the right length will vary based on audience and content, always keep viewer attention spans in mind, and ensure that your message is concise.
  3. Include a call-to-action You’ve now seen the statistics. Buyers rely on video in order to make purchase decisions, executives often look for more information after seeing a product/service in a video, and consumers will often want to respond after seeing your video. After you’ve done the hard part of developing video content, make it as easy as possible for your customers to take action by including a CTA.